Saturday, February 9, 2013


I broke down and started getting the Post again.  Reading on line just wasn't doing it for me.  And then I opened up today's paper, and right there were GIFTS for my blog!  Love it.  So, today's


On the FREE FOR ALL Page, Washington Post, February 9, 2013:

How bad grammar propagates  A man or woman after my own heart.  Who is the Post editor who allows this headline?  "Who would the founding fathers deport?"  Come on, Our Lady of Providence High School graduates, we all know the problem --- it is WHOM.  R.B Estes from Kent Island, Maryland --- I share your pain.

An issue of butt out.  YES YES YES, Catherin Thibodeau of Olney, Maryland, I cannot agree more.  Why in the world would my hometown newspaper stoop SO LOW as to print an article about our First Lady's derriere?  I'd like to see some of the butts in the Post editorial room, in Congress, and in the WalMart.  For shame.

Whom are you calling old?  Martha Lewis of Bethesda - shout out to you!  I agree that these young whipper snapper reporters need to be more cautious in the use of the word "elderly."  How dare they call a 68 year old man "elderly!"

And in that same vein, I loved this story on AARP's website:

She is 62, and the smarty-pants scientists were sure her fertile days were long over. But then she (literally) gave them the bird by hatching a new little albatross chick.
Her name is Wisdom, and she’s a beautiful charcoal-gray and snowy-white Laysan albatross (see a typical one, pictured at left) who lives at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge near the Hawaiian Islands.
Give 'em hell, WisdoM

I'm off to Yoga....give 'em hell, Becca!

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