Monday, February 18, 2013

DAY 170 - My check was in the mail.

It has been another busy week.  Where to start?  I KNOW - I got my first consulting check in the mail this week!  WOW!!  Somehow it seemed much more exciting than it had been when I got paid from my regular job (back when I worked).  It reminded me of those many years ago in graduate school when I was a waitress.  It was great because you got your tips each day.  It was like instant gratification.  That's how this check felt, too.

OKAY, now the not so "WOW" news - I immediately set up an account to place my taxes for the quarterly estimates I'll need to make.  BLAM - gone 40% -- not even sure that will be enough.  Oh well, easy come easy go.  The rest will be saved for my African Safari.

Speaking of my old job --- thank goodness I got out when I did.  The Federal workforce is taking it hard.  No raises for two years, soon to to be three, maybe five.  Raised medical insurance premiums, higher payment towards retirement, and now a FURLOUGH!  You've got to be kidding me.  Hey Congress, how about letting the Department of Defense get rid of costly weapons programs that we don't even want or need?  No?  It is easier to let the Federal workers take the fall, than the  constituents in your district/State that make one of the parts for the system we don't want or need.  Isn't it interesting that one weapons system has to be made piece by piece in most of the 50 states?  'Nuff said.   I don't want to be stressed out in retirement.

Consulting Job 2 - I finished a second project this week.  It was submitted and I am waiting to see the reaction.  I'm hoping I nailed it because it will give me back a bit of confidence.  Believe me, after 170 days, you feel like you've lost your edge a bit.

I did get a call back from consulting job 1, so I guess I must have done something right. 

Those who don't like my humor, especially GET FUZZY, can stop reading now.  Love that Satchel.  He is trying to buy little Segways for short legged dogs.  So cute. 

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