Tuesday, March 8, 2016



Nearly 10 months ago, I lost my best friend, Chapi.  He had been with me from the time he was eight weeks old until he passed away at almost 17 years.  I’ve written about him before, so won’t bring all of that up again, but I’ve done nothing but miss my boy since he left.

Now, I am going to pick up a new best friend, I hope.  Her name is Molly and she is also a bichon frise like Chapi.  I found her through my friend, Kim, who is all consumed with animal rescue.  She promises me that Molly is a love-bug and a real lap dog.  That is what I want.  When Chapi was a puppy, I would always put him on my chest when I was laying on the couch watching TV.  He knew that if I were seated, his place was right next to me….or on top of me….or really on top of whoever happened to be around and seated.  He is one tough act to follow.

I’m excited and scared all at the same time.  Molly is three years old.  She has been in at least 3 homes in the past year.  Her ‘family’ home was so crowded with other dogs, that I doubt she got as much attention as I plan on giving her, but her ‘foster’ mom has been loving on her, and Kim has showered her with attention.  What if she doesn’t like me?  What if I don’t like her?

Kim tells me she is small.  8-9 pounds.  That’s half the size of Chapi at his most robust.  I can take her with me wherever I go.  I can share my e-bike adventures with her if she can learn to ride in a basket on the handlebars.  But what if she isn’t Chapi?

What if she does’t look like she is going to talk any minute?  What if her eyes don’t sparkle when I walk in the door?  How can I expect her to exude personality like that?

Ridiculous. These ruminations of mine are ridiculous.  Isn’t this the same thing I worried about over 20 years ago when my sister, Tracy, was about to have her second child?  How could I love another child as much as I loved the first one?  I had been there at his birth.  I had for the first time really understood what it is like for parents and their children.  But I could not understand how anyone could love another child this much.  Of course, as I learned, love just expands.  Love does not need to be taken from the first child to have enough for the second.  Surely, the same will hold when Molly enters my world.

I will know in a few hours.  More to come on this.

So, guess what?  Molly isn't Chapi, but she IS Molly...all eight pounds of her.  She is a laid-back Bichon mix, so the "mix" must have included a pretty laid back breed!
  But she is so sweet and loves to be held.  She seems to love the Bolivian dress I made her (see photo).  She is still a bit confused over who her "mommy" is, but once I get her home, I think she will bond to me quickly.  Now that I see her personality, I think maybe she can become a therapy dog.

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