Tuesday, October 8, 2013


My blessings to all of you parents who have either gotten through the teenage years or (even more blessings) still have them to "look forward to..."  My 15 year old extremely intelligent and nice nephew is visiting.  No one told me that "they" don't talk!  Yikes.  I'm talking non-stop like some middle-aged character in a cartoon.  

Oh yeah, that's why I named today's blog, ZITS.

He has been here for four days.  I'd been planning a three day trip to civil war battlegrounds.   We were going to Harper's Ferry, zip lining, and visiting Antietam and Gettysburg.  But thanks, Congress for shutting them all down!  I should send him to your place for a week.  Maybe that would shake things up enough for you to get something done.  Anyway, I digress....

So I've been punting.  Punting is kind of hard when you can't rely on your teammate to snap you the ball.  I had heard that teenagers don't talk, and in fact experienced a bit of this when my friend brought her 16 year old niece on our trip to New York.  But at the time, I just thought something was wrong with her niece.   Now I know differently.

If he didn't have his phone I'd wonder if he were alive, but the non-stop texting tells me there is some brain activity going on....just not directed at me.

Don't get me wrong.  I love this guy.  When he does talk, he has such a dry sense of humor.  He is smart, funny, and even witty.  When he was 3 years old he told my husband that he "liked his vehicle."  That's how he talks...like an adult....but then of course, I haven't heard him talk too much this trip...but I remember when he was little.....

I've scaled back our activities because he sleeps a lot.  We are having fun, I think.  My friend assures me that he will remember this time with me.  I hope he remembers it fondly.

I called today's blog "Zits" because he reminds me so much of this comic.  A 15 year old and his two parents trying to co-exist.  Check it out if you don't have it in your own newspaper....and think of me....five more days and counting.

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