Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The right equipment

Yes, the right equipment is crucial for any job you're going to do.

This makes me question what I am doing right now.  Could it be the equipment?   

I've become enamored of song birds since a house finch built a nest in my flowers on the front door.  Since I had the thrill of watching the eggs turn into nestlings and then fledglings and finally SAW two of the babies hopping around my driveway, I've been besotted.  So I bought a book on luring song birds to your yard.  Since reading the book, I now have three bird houses, a bird feeder at my kitchen window and just hung up a suet feeder in our front tree.  I've set out strawberries and hung up half a banana on a post....all tips from the book.  NOTHING.  NOT A NIBBLE (if you don't count the squirrel who was hanging from it by one paw and feeding with the other).  

Now I am digging a shallow hole in the garden, which I will fill with concrete to make a natural bird bath (also from the book).  But I am losing hope.  Maybe I don't have the right equipment or maybe I am just impatient.  

I'm holding out hope for hummingbirds. 

Jersey Girl - Notice how I slipped in Bucky and Satchel to this conversation?

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