Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Only when I am outraged

Breast Cancer Survivors Foundation - sounded like a really good cause when they called me.  Somehow, though, when I got the letter and the "pledge" to send 35 dollars by August 1, I just wondered.  So, I did what I should have done to begin with and looked up their ratings.  94% of the money these folks receive goes to "administrative" costs...meaning marketing.  How much money are these people collecting that could be going to an organization that will actually use it for the purpose it was given?  I know it won't do any good, but I mailed my pledge back to them (sans money) with BIG letters saying to take me off their list and SHAME ON YOU!

My 83 year old mom and 92 year old dad, living on social security, are bombarded with requests for money all of the time.  Dad especially takes it hard that he has so little to give.  Damn it.  I tell him that he should consider the percentage of his income that he gives to the church and compare THAT to the percentage that others with money give.  Preying on the elderly.  How low can this society go?

Those of you who are not yet retired...make sure you have caller ID on your phone before the big day.  When I am here I get a minimum of 2-3 calls per hour that say "UNAVAILABLE" as the ID.  Why should these people be ashamed to show their names?  Don't answer them.

I know this is not the most interesting post I've done, but I am just so pissed.

Not yet one year from retirement and I am already becoming a curmudgeon.

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