Thursday, April 25, 2013

Don't Over Schedule!

Yes, it HAS been over two weeks since I've written anything here, but I am SO busy.  I retired sort of early, so I can't say that I need to slow down, but I think I've over done it with activities and projects.  I'm so busy I just can't get to the blog.  As an example, in the past two weeks I've attended three government meetings (2 half day and 1 full day) to take minutes and write reports.  Doesn't sound that bad, does it?  But this means getting there, attending the meetings, getting home, deciphering my minutes and writing a reasonably readable report.  Add to that on all other days either Body Pump, Body Flow or biking AND golf lessons and art lessons.  Add to THAT completely building a large garden, visiting friends, and numerous phone calls home about mom and medication.  Whew.  I am getting tired just writing this.

Guns.  The Boston marathon bombing was all we've been hearing about, but I'm still hopping mad about the Senate voting down background checks for gun purchases.  I almost laughed the other night when a gun show attendee said that we had enough laws ..."criminals and the mentally ill are not supposed to buy weapons already".  Great.  I'm sure that criminals and mentally ill people won't buy guns because they are not supposed to buy them.  Don't forget to pick up your assault weapon before you leave the show.

Sequestration.  Are these congressmen/women nuts?  They cut the budget across the board, but they don't seem to want any changes in the levels of government provided.  You can't have it both ways then you make cuts in this ridiculous manner.  I haven't written much about this because I am sure it will make some folks mad, but if they want to cut the budget they need to take hard looks at things like weapons systems that we don't want and don't need.  But their attitude is "not in my district."  I wonder why the defense industry builds weapons systems, airplanes and ships that require one piece to be provided from somewhere in every state?  HINT HINT - then the Congressman from that state doesn't want to vote against the system, plane, ship - even though we don't need it--because it will mean jobs in his/her state/district.  Same goes for closing down military bases that we don't need any longer.  Hey, Congressman!  Budget cuts have to hurt somewhere.  Why does it only feel good if that hurt is the federal worker who by the way has no say so in how YOU spend the money.  HMMM.  I think this is why I haven't been writing.  I'm just so fed up.

Let's change the subject to the more positive.

Spring.  winter, summer, spring, in our nation's capitol can't make up its frigging mind.  I'm dying to plant and to take my plants outside but everyday is a crap shoot. One great thing, though, a robin has made a nest in a flower basket hanging from my front door!  I love it, but also fear for the poor eggs soon to be fledglings.  Mother robin flies away from the nest every time I open the door.  Even if I go out the garage, she flies away.  I've been doing some reading on robins and believe that the baby birds will be in the nest for over two weeks before they are ready to leave it.  Right now it is just 4 eggs, but how am I going to protect those little babies from falling out the swinging door.  I can't move the nest because the mother bird won't recognize it as her own if it is moved.  This is too much a responsibility, but I think I can handle it.

What about this great idea for a bird nesting house?  This is an old drawer and a teapot.  I've got the teapot and as soon as I get a drawer this baby is going up in my new garden.  Maybe mother robin will move over here and free up my front door.

Golfing.  Friend and I have completed three of six golf lessons.  So far, I've learned to putt, chip and have gone to the "range" to hit balls with a number 7 iron.  I think that is pretty impressive and I am pleased that I seem to have a pretty good aim, although I don't control how far I hit the ball very well yet.  My biggest problem so far is that my arms inside from above the elbow to below the wrist HURTS at the end of each lesson and our practice sessions.  Who would know?  It looks so damn boring on TV, but it is hard work and really kind of fun.  We have three more lessons and then I guess the real test will begin.  Am I too cheap to PAY to golf?  More on this as the story unfolds.

No one but The Lass gets my humor, but I just have to post one more of my favorite Get Fuzzy comics.  Let me set the scene.

Bucky Katt has a feud going on with Fungo the Ferrett who lives next door.  In this series of strips, Fungo has walled up the door to Bucky's closet.  All Bucky knows is that his closet door is gone, so he has called Rob, his "owner" at work to find out if he has seen it.  But what made me laugh was the last panel....poor old Satchel Pooch just wants to know what Rob can smell.  This is so much like a dog.  Look at that face....I see it everyday with my own pooch.  So happy just to smell who has been around the neighborhood, who has peed and where.  So happy in the car when I turn on the heat or air condition and the air from outside comes in through the vent.  He is in heaven figuring out all the great smells.  What a life and what a life to share with me.  Goodnight, Irene.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Elder Care - Great new discovery

Elder Care.  If you are lucky enough to have your parents around when you retire, elder care will be one of the activities that will keep you busy.  In my case, each trip home starts with a day of sadness and crying, but so far, ends with feeling happy that I've was there.  Each time I feel like I dodged the bullet.

I am lucky.  Both parents still living, and in pretty good shape.  But like many of you will find out, both are a bit less able to handle some aspects of their lives.  For mom, it is organizing and taking the appropriate medication at the appropriate time.  For the past many months, my nephew has been my eyes and ears, but as he gets busier with college, I am worried.

So, if you've not heard about this great FREE service, I've got to spread the word.  Walgreen's Pharmacy has teamed up with a company called DailyMed to provide medication pre-packaged  by the day, date and time it is to be taken. I just signed my mom up for this.  DailyMed liaisons with my mom's physicians and insurance, gets the prescriptions, and packages each day's dosages in small pouches that come to my mom in a box.  The pouches pull out from the box like wax paper.  Each is labeled with the day, date and time of day to take them (e.g., morning, noon, evening).  If something changes, we call the company and alert them.  They even package up her aspirin and any vitamins, too.  If this works (and I'll be posting about it), it will be a god save!  

Becca's Briefs

My friends at the Post comic section didn't let me down.  Two good laughs for today.

In regard to my little contracting jobs, this cartoon says it all.  You will weep when you pay your taxes! my lost youth.  It's so true.  Thriller.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm Back

I'm Back is the title of this post.  I zipped it out because I was thinking that I am back to writing the blog after a few weeks.  Then I realized I am also BACK to WORKING!  I had my first day at my old office yesterday.  Had I know for sure who was going to be in the meeting, I would have worn my Groucho Marx glasses, nose and mustache, but I was afraid there might be some high level people I did not know.

It wasn't rocket science.  I am attending a high level meeting, taking notes and developing a draft set of minutes--but they are due the very next morning.  STRESS.  I think I did okay, though.

I'm also attending as series of meetings for the Dept of Education and eventually writing a report for them.  That will start next week, so actually, next week I'll be working two whole days.  It seems the money is rolling in.

It is also rolling OUT.  The Silver Tongued Latin Lover and I are working on a new garden and patio.  I've spent many hours this past week re-potting my current outdoor plants, digging up English ivy, and laying out what I hope will become an English garden in the plot of land next to our house.  It's not our property, but our home owners association is allowing me to cultivate it.  So as much money as I make from these jobs, it is being plowed (literally) back into the garden.  Pictures will follow soon.

The Latin Lover is building a brick wall, which will feature two windows with window boxes for flowers.  He is installing a brick patio, lights and two fountains.  This building of the Taj Mahal has been going on for about five months, but now that the weather is good, it should go much faster.

Becca's Briefs - Washington Post, April 11

John Kelly's Washington  Each year Kelly runs a week of squirrel articles.  Lovers and haters of our squirrely neighbors contribute. 

Today's was just priceless.  He reports that Kelly Foxton of Boca Raton, FL runs a company that features her pet Squirrel, Sugar Bush.   She makes her living dressing Sugar Bush in various costumes and posing him/her in various settings that are featured in the news....Fidel Castro in his sick bed, Yasser Arafat in kaffiyeh headdress, Benazir Bhutto in hijab in front of the Pakistani flag....Her latest effort is the life of Jesus.  

Says Mrs. Foxton, however, it is not always easy.  "It's very difficult to work with a squirrel (don't I know!)"  Actually getting a squirrel to climb up a hill with a cross on her shoulder is not easy."  Try working at the Pentagon!