Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What AM I doing?

What am I doing?  Starting a blog? Retiring from the Federal government?  Giving up a twice monthly check?  For what?  Well, that is what I hope to reveal in this blog.  I've been considering retirement for a while now.  Checking my Quicken accounts daily to see if I have enough money/if I WILL have enough money.  I've been pestering friends and acquaintances who retired for quite a while now.  What in the world do you do all day?  Can you live on the money you've saved?  ARE YOU BORED!?  So, I thought I'd start a blog to tell myself and you what the experience is like.  I have been the good government employee.  I saved using the Thrift Savings Plan --- the maximum I could contribute every year...and reaped the rewards of a 5% contribution to my savings.  I've taken the retirement preparation course --- three times exactly.  BUT still I wonder what it will be like when the first check (80% of my pension (?)) arrives.  Kind of like when I moved back to the States from overseas and no longer got the housing allowance.  OMG - That's what I make!??  I thought I'd be eating dog food and watching lots of TV, but it didn't work out that way.  Hopefully, retirement will the same way.

I retire in 38 days.  Between now and then I am going to develop my own "bucket list."  This blog will document what goes on in my mind and in my life pre and post-retirement.  As I check off items in my bucket list, I'll give you my reaction.  I started Bridge lessons already and quickly realized this is not for me!  Let's see if kayaking, basic plumbing, car and bike maintenance and art classes are more my speed.

Right now, I am preparing for the retirement ceremony, visiting family members, and celebrating with friends.  The job is stressful right now and I think it is karma telling me it is time to retire.  Let's see if I've made the right decision.


  1. Congratulations on your first blog entry! I'm pretty darn proud of you! Of course, this is no surprise coming from the visionary who kicked off social media for a DoD agency! Can't wait to read about your new adventures!

  2. What a great idea! I'm looking forward to following your "antics."

  3. Wish there was a "like" button!! I have a feeling you will keep adding interesting things to your bucket list!
