Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Physically Prepare

My friend and I ran into our Body Pump instructor on the bike trail Sunday.  Hadn't been to BP or biking  for over six weeks "because I was SOOOOO busy at work."   Sound familiar?  So, friend and I got up at 0530 and made it to a 0600 BP class today and it was HARD.  You won't believe how much you decline in six weeks.  Think about it.  Whoever designs these routines must be a little bit sadistic.  Today's routine had squats and lunges interspersed with jumps.  OMG.  I can feel my legs screaming already.  I can't imagine what they will feel like in 24 hours.  Il Divo never sounded so good (they were the cool down song.).  But I digress.

My next tip after preparing financially is to make sure you are healthy and fit.  I'm not suggesting that you run triathlons like one of our 60+ friends does, but think about what it will be like to get old and lose your mobility.  To enjoy your retirement, you've got to have the energy and strength to do things like biking, but also like getting your own groceries, going to a museum, or playing with your grandchildren (even if they are canine).  So, don't follow my lead of the last six weeks, the work will be there when you get in whether it is at 0700 or 0830.

  1. Find two or three activities that you like.  For me, I love body pump (weight lifting), yoga, Zumba and biking.  Some should be cardio and others weight bearing.
  2. Figure out the best time of the day for you.  For me it is early morning for BP.  Got to get it in then or I won't go.  Yoga is great in the afternoon.  There are different kinds of yoga and different kinds of teachers.  Try it out until you find what is good for you.  Don't worry if you can't do everything.  You benefit from doing the best that YOU can do. If you like to dance - ZUMBA.  Love it, but once again different instructors are better or worse.  Find one you really like.
  3. If you have a friend (luckily I do), go with them.   We've found that many times one of us doesn't want to go, but we go because of the other one.
  4. I personally love charting my behavior to see if I am getting any better.  So get out a calendar and mark down every day that you do something.  Get a watch that counts your steps (my best birthday present this year).  Friend and I walk pretty long distances and we are constantly looking at those watches trying to out do our previous walk.
NOTE TO SELF:  Don't wear a muscle shirt to Body Pump.  You don't have muscles, the girls in the rows in front of you are 30 years younger and the damn floor to ceiling mirrors are unforgiving.

Get out there and move.


  1. I love the way you ended this blog - I laughed out loud!

  2. I so agree with no muscle shirts. Love that! I need to get back to BP too!!!

  3. Rebecca - just love the idea of identifying things you really like to do. For one thing - while I'm doing one of them - weight lifting, walking, biking - I remember that it is one of my favorite things to do! This blog is just a great idea for all of us 50 somethings thinking we should be thinking....

    Thank you!!! Just know that friend of yours that went to the BP class from 5:30 - 6am could NOT have been Pam - could it??

  4. Rebecca, following this is so much fun; makes those of us who are far away able to keep up with what's going on, how you're feeling about it. AND it's entertaining!
