Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Perhaps I boasted too much

 As I got back into the saddle yesterday with my tales of the El Camino and my friend who is SIX YEARS older than I and needs a knee replacement, I perhaps boasted too much.  For the past ten days I have been training for the walk.  Rather than follow the recommended plan (twice a week three-mile walks for a month) I figured I could walk as much as I could stand and just keep going.  So, I've walked from 4.3 miles to 5.6 miles every three days.  Yesterday I decided that I could walk to my gym (3 miles), take a 30-minute-high-intensity-interval (HIIT) spin class and walk back (3 miles).  If I didn't have the stamina, I'd call a friend to bring me home.

However, as I reached the gym my right kneecap felt like it was slipping in and out of place.  At every click in and out came accompanying pain.  Joyously, the HIIT instructor was a no show.  A fellow spinner offered me a ride home, but I turned it down as I was sure I could walk the three miles home.  As I left the gym, however, I could not walk without the click and the pain.  So, a neighbor picked me up and I have an appointment for an Xray of my knee today.  I'm hoping that rest and ice will be all that I need, but for now I am taking a break from training.

Not My Xray

My plan had been to regale you with stories of my training and my ever-growing mileage, but those plans are on hold for now.  Instead, I plan on regaling you with my plans for a Posante Family excursion to our homeland of Sicily.  The Sicilian reunion is also one reason to cut back on the walking at least until the trip is over.  I can't imagine touring around Sicily with a bum knee.  So, until October 20, my training is on hold and all eyes are on Sicily.

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