Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Both sides of retirement

I was feeling a little worried last night about what in the world I would have to say in blogs after I did my little catch up on retirement yesterday, but then I got a few well wishes and people aspiring for retirement.  Hmmm.  Am I really giving the whole story, I asked myself.  Mostly.  And that's the truth.  

FINANCES.  Do I look at my investments daily?  Yeah.  Do I thank my lucky stars that I have a pension and soon will have Social Security?  Yeah.  But mostly I thank my lucky stars that I had people who inspired me to save money.  So now that's out of the way.  You will worry about money, but you'll have enough.  That's not the problem with retirement.

HEALTH.  Thank goodness I have it.  Lucky with my genes I suppose.  Mom is 85 and Dad is 93, and both are still kicking.  Dad's grandfather was 97 when he died.  So, I'm lucky.  But I go to the gym with my pal, Pam, every day but one.  We Body Pump, Body Flow and Spin our way every morning at 9:30, 10 or 10:30 depending upon the class.  I'm pretty sure I'd not have kept this up if it weren't for her and I think she feels the same.  I'm not convinced (but I think she is) that the hour of sweat makes up for the wine at night, but it can't hurt.

BOREDOM.  I'm easily bored and probably boring.  I live in this great area, yet ask me how much I really take advantage of it.  Not much. I had a list, if you remember, of the things I was going to do in retirement.  I don't think I've gotten to number 2 or 3 yet.  I did seriously apply myself to learning Spanish this year and was doing pretty well, but then came the trip to Vietnam, the holidays and here I am staring at my two week visit with my in-laws in Bolivia starting tomorrow and I am in a panic.  But that aside, boredom can be your enemy.  The gym helps a lot because it structures my mornings.  Between getting there, doing the deed, and getting home a good two hours are gone.  Before the gym I have my on-line newspapers, checking my finances, laughing at my comics (Get Fuzzy),
eating and feeding the dog.  Did that last line sound like I was eating the dog?  Eating breakfast and feeding the dog, is what I meant.  Anyway, I digress.  Boredom could be a problem, but I seem to have found things to do.

STIMULATION.  Okay, so here is the rub.  I MISS working.  I don't miss the job, but I miss the stimulation of (don't laugh) going to meetings.  Yeah, can't believe I said it either, but think about it.  I'm home from the gym, may or may not take a shower, sitting here and thinking, what am I going to do today?  Some days I just MISS getting dressed in grownup clothes and lady shoes, gathering my paper and pen, laptop, phone, etc and taking off to a meeting with other people.  Sure most of the meetings didn't really get us anywhere, but they were always good for a laugh and a few stories. I miss that interaction.  I also miss producing something.  Volunteering has helped, but slicing and dicing veggies isn't really that stimulating.  The problem is that I want the stimulation of producing something, but I don't want to put up with the rest of what a real job entails. 

STRUCTURE.  I miss structure sometimes.  My spouse has been out of the country for almost a week.  Hurrah I have the house and my time to myself!  I hate to admit it, but I need the structure of knowing someone is coming home tonight.  I have not taken a shower in 48 hours.  The dishes from yesterday (and maybe the day before) are still in the sink.  The kitchen looks like the aftermath of a frat party at Indiana University.  I ate three-day-old roasted vegetables for dinner last night with a cheap bottle of Prosecco.  Then I rummaged around in the freezer to see if (god-willing) there might be a frozen candy bar left over from Halloween.  There wasn't.  So I ate three ginger snaps left over from who knows what party.  Dipped in the Prosecco they weren't too bad.  If it weren't for the dog whom I must feed and clean up after, I'd probably be in bed eating bonbons and binge watching Doc Martin.

Thank goodness I'm back to my blog.  Thanks, Cathy.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! I'm glad you actually wrote that finances are not really a problem in retirement because that's the main thing my husband worries about. I have faith that our pensions and savings will see us through (and of course the coupons!). 😊 Nice writing again today Rebecca. Very enjoyable. I get easily bored as well that's why I couldn't stay home after the births of my children. Couldn't stand the four walls, the soap operas, and no adult conversation/ interaction. We'll see how this retirement thing works out for me.
    House hunting this week in Mississippi which is pretty exciting so I'll be busy with that for a while. We'll also need to come back and sell the condo in Centreville. When we finally settle down I hope to find things to fill my days (preferably fun things). Remains to be seen...... Thanks for your story!
