Thursday, December 3, 2015

Vietnam - Days 1-3

Fleas.  Fleas.  What a way to start a trip.  My poor city Shih Tzu, Indy, picked them up from my parents’ country cousin Shih Tzu.  The poor guy scratched all night two nights before we were leaving for our 16 day trip to Vietnam and Cambodia.  Hunting dark fleas on a dark grey shih tzu is not easy, but I found them and the evidence that they were setting up shop on my poor boy.  So, rather than read about all of the sites we were going to see, I spent the last day getting flea killing medication from the Vet, stripping beds, pulling down curtains, and cleaning rugs.  Every dog bed...why does he have one in every room?...every dog bed had to be taken apart and cleaned.  So, by the time Pam, Suzanne and I left this morning, he was resting comfortably and not scratching.  I’m sure he was dreaming of running again through the flea-infested fields of Indiana.

December 1.  But I digress, as is my way.  At 8:15 Jeanine picked up Suzanne and me, then picked up Pam.  By 9:00 we were on the way.  Rain, rain, rain and traffic, but still we made it to Dulles 2 hours before the flight and found the Korean Air checkin lines almost EMPTY.  Security was equally as empty.  I tried not to wonder if people were staying away because of fear of terorism.  The next surprise was a quick checkin to the back of the plane.  We must be living right  because all three of us had empty seats next to us.  We also found seats with an entertainment center with lots of up to date options and an electrical outlet for our ipads.  Why can’t we have the same amenities from American airlines? One more thing --Korean flight attendants are just so kind.

Bimbimbap.    It sounded like something from a Disney movie, sort of like “bippity bippity bop”.  Not so, bimbimbap was my dinner for the flight. The Korean flight attendant even provided written directions with photos to explain how we prepared and ate the food.   It was good.

The Korean Air entertainment center tells me we are exactly 9 hours from arrival in Seoul.  After a 3 hour layover, we have only five more hours on a Vietnam Air flight to Hanoi.  ETA:  9:20 pm  

December 2.  All in all this trip will have taken 22 hours and crossed multiple timezones and the international date line.  I am telling myself that going in this direction is much easier for jetlag.  I hope so.

We have only 3 hours in the Seoul Incheon Airport, but five hours on the return trip.  Touted as one of the top ten airports in the world, this airport seems to have it all:  theaters, cultural attractions, shops and restaurants, nail and massage salons, even an area that is set up for passengers to sleep and shower.  I’m hoping we can explore it a bit and compare it to our own airport, Dulles.  I have no delusions about how the two will compare.

Midnight (24 hours after we left Dulles) we arrive at our hotel in downtown Hanoi.  It is night, so we cannot really see what this place looks like, but the hotel is great and there is a mini-bar!  Good Morning, Vietnam----tomorrow!

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