Friday, August 2, 2013

Still retired and loving it.

Go to the movies this week, but hurry.  This indie film won't be around long.  Why is it that the good ones come and go in a blink, the stinkos remain?   Anyway, that's another blog.

It's so great being retired and having retired friends who love the movies like I do.  Yesterday after volunteering at Martha's Table (and by the way being interviewed by NPR!), I met Lee at the Tenley Town metro, we had a civilized lunch at 1:00 and then saw this marvelous film at the Avalon.  Talk about a great retiree day!

Still Mine is based on a true story about an elderly couple in Canada.  The wife played by Genevieve Bujold is in the mid stages of Alzheimers and the husband, James Cromwell, begins building a one level home on his property so that she can remain in the home.  He runs into problems with the building commission, but carries on.  You will sit there seeing your own family in some of the scenes...they had seven children and various ones become the emissaries for them all.  You will be amazed by James Cromwell and hope that you look so good as Bujold when you age.  There is even a sex scene that will make you smile.  I won't reveal the ending, but will just assure you that you will leave the theater a bit wistful, very thankful for a day like that, and wishing for more movies of this caliber.  GO SEE IT!!

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