Friday, September 20, 2013

Let the fun begin

Brussels Famous Manequin Pis
We are starting our annual bike trip overseas.  Not much biking going on yet, but lots of good Belgian beer being downed.  The itinerary is Brussels, Brugges, then onto a barge for seven days of biking through Belgium and the Netherlands arriving in Amsterdam next Saturday.  With all that we are eating, thought I'd need to roll myself home next week, but we are walking and dragging suitcases all around the towns and on cobblestone sidewalks.  I am worn out.

We left Wednesday for a 5:45 flight from Dulles (I hate that airport) to Brussels.  That turned into a four hour wait and then a change of planes.  Thank goodness they had another 777 just hanging around so that we could get going.  Flight was fine, the usual kind of food, back in economy we were so crammed in we couldn't move, but my seat mates were a nice grandma and her 12 year old granddaughter, Emma.  So all in all not a bad trip.

Our hotel in Brussels was right off the Grand Platz.  It brought back memories of my visit here with my friend Nadine and her husband Bob.  Lovely people in a lovely city.

Hotel Arlequin
Our entourage - Pam, Suzanne, me, Mike and Cheryl stayed in the Hotel Arlequin.  Kim and Chuck at another hotel, but walked right by us as we sat in a hooka bar drinking beer.

Carolee and Kristin came into town the next day, and we ran into them on our way to find a beer hall!  What a small world it is.

I'm having trouble getting photos to download, will work on it, and add some pictures tomorrow.  right now I want a nap.
Only some of the MANY Belgian Beers

Grand Platz

Cheryl, Mike and Kim