Friday, June 14, 2013

A Warning

  I'm warning all of you thinking about retirement.  It is not what you think it will be.  By my reckoning, it has been over a month since I've taken the time to post to this blog.  I wouldn't have done it this morning, but this article about a cat running for office in Mexico caught my eye.  (1) Because he looks like my feline friend, Quentin, who I am sure could do a better job than our current Congressional representatives and (2) because Morris copied Obama's famous campaign poster.  Pretty smart for a cat (oops, I don't mean to offend you cats.)

Retirement is not what you think.  It's not all lying around "eating bonbons." That was my mother's favorite expression when her work as mother of six and homemaker was not appreciated.  She wasn't lying around eating bonbons.  Neither is this retiree.  Since my last post in May my life has involved the following:

  1. Seventeen day visit by my nephew and his girl including a road trip to the beaches of North Carolina.
  2. Fifteen day visit by my mother in law from Bolivia who speaks no English and I speak no Spanish (Yes, I know I was going to learn as soon as I retired....)
  3. Ten day road trip through western North Carolina and Virginia including a 32 mile bike ride on the Virginia Creeper Trail.  I should have blogged about the trip while it was on-going.  Now it just seems so "yesterday."
  4. Completion of 5,000 square foot garden out of a side yard that contained a drainage ditch and what passed for grass.  This feat will be a future blog.  Just waiting to take the final pictures.
  5. Completion of a brick patio that involved hand-carrying over three thousand bricks.  Also a future blog.
  6. Two contracting jobs that are footing the bill for numbers 1 through 5 above.
  7. Lots of laughs with my favorite characters, Bucky and Satchel.

This would never fool Quentin.
 I admit it, I don't get this one, but just seeing Satchel's excited face cheers me up.

It wasn't me....Look at his face.  Satchel is always so accommodating.

I know just how Bucky feels...sometimes you are just so hungry...bonbons start looking good.